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Pamela Marcone wins second place at the National Kinesiology Congress

Pamela Marcone

Her work, titled “Bioethical Principles in Aquatic Physiotherapy: a Latin American Analysis” was awarded second place.


Academic Pamela Marcone Dapelo, a member of the student community of the Doctorate in Bioethics at the Anáhuac University, participated in the National Kinesiology Congress 2023, which took place in Santiago, Chile, from September 7 to 9 of this year.


Her work, titled “Bioethical Principles in Aquatic Physiotherapy: a Latin American Analysis” was awarded second place in the free topic modality, oral presentation in the aquatic physiotherapy category.


We extend warm congratulations on this achievement, recognizing your effort and notable participation in the congress.




More information:
MPSS Silvia Becerra Castro
Facultad de Bioética