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The Querida Amazonía Group held its 20th session "Ethics and social thought in Pope Francis"

Querida Amazonía

Dr. Agustín Ortega reflected on the ethical notions that govern the actions of the Holy Father.


On February 22, 2022, the Querida Amazonía Interdisciplinary Study Group of our School of Bioethics resumed its activities during the 20th session: "Ethics and social thought in Pope Francis", which was taught by Dr. Agustín Ortega Cabrera, distinguished member of this group, expert in Christian social thought, philosopher, theologian, member of the Philosophical Association of Peru and teacher in the field both in Spain and Peru.


First, we established the importance of recognizing the clear continuity of Pope Francis, the previous teaching and magisterium of his predecessors, as well as his social and moral doctrine as a basis for understanding his teachings.


Based on these concepts, various reflections proposed by the Holy Father were offered, such as morality, not rigorous or fundamentalist, but comprehensive and inclusive, understanding the need to understand the circumstances surrounding a reality or moral fact.


The Pope also points out an ethic without individualism or relativism, but tending to the principles and values ​​that should guide moral and social life, encouraging us to seek and cooperate with objective truth and following realistic thinking.


On the other hand, other fundamental concepts for moral teaching were considered, such as integral human ecology and natural law, where the human dimensions not only constitute the human being, but are interrelated and everything is connected to each other.


The values ​​and virtues that constitute the faith of the Church were considered, sustaining them in personalism, such as the principle of respect for human dignity, authentic solidarity, where the poor are the architect of their own development, seeking to globally transform the structural causes of evils and some others.


At the end, the speaker emphasized some reflections on private property, the universal destination of goods, unworthy jobs and their impact on society, which is why new human and labor relations are required that promote fair wages and decent working conditions. .


Finally, he reiterated that the morality of Pope Francis welcomes and integrates contemporary thought and proposes an interdisciplinary methodology that seeks to be embodied and committed to reality, to transform it following the "see-judge-act" method.


Enjoy the full session here.


Más información:
MPSS Elian Vulfovich
Facultad de Bioética