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Training in Bioethics and Palliative Care at the "Hermanas del Buen Samaritano I.A.P" Hospital

Training in Bioethics and Palliative Care

This training had the objective of presenting generalities about bioethics with special emphasis on Palliative Care.


Our student of the Master's Degree in Bioethics and intern doctor of the Social Service of the Faculty of Bioethics, Dr. Ma. Fernanda Martínez, went last Wednesday, May 25, to the “Hermanas del Buen Samaritano Hospital” to train the staff that makes up the team multidisciplinary of this health care center.


This training had the objective of presenting generalities about bioethics, starting from the historical context, philosophical currents applied to carry out bioethical analysis, legal aspects and its application in all areas related to health, with special emphasis on Palliative Care.


The focus of the agenda was universal, since it was sought to generate an impact and a sense of belonging of all the personnel in charge of the well-being of the patients, since it is necessary for everyone to get involved and know that they are a fundamental part in the approach of patients with chronic-degenerative and terminal diseases.


Capacitación en Bioética y Cuidados Paliativos


Más información:
MPSS Fernanda Martínez
Facultad de Bioética