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The Master in Global Bioethics and the CADEBI introduces us the next generation of Bioethicists with your help

Versión en español

With the goal of training professors, health personnel and researchers the ability of analyzing and proposing solutions to global bioethical dilemmas, a funding was created that will allow knowledge of bioethics to expand to other continents that need it.


Jelioth Muthoni from Kenya commented on what bioethics means to her "It's giving voice to the voiceless and fighting for human dignity and human rights".


Imeldah Wakhungu from Kenya said, "Bioethics is very relevant to what I do and is where I want to go as a research monitor and even more important it helps me remember ethical principles as a person and researcher".


Martin Kinyua from Kenya reflected, "Bioethics means that I am committed to respect the justice and dignity of all human beings because they have values and rights regardless of their capabilities".


Patrick Limole from Malawi expressed, "It is my hope that bioethics will continue to shape me in such a way that my students, my country, the patients, the entire Malawian community will benefit".


Uvais Nalakath Arakkal from India said, "I often encounter bioethical dilemmas as a psychiatrist. The Master in Global Bioethics provides me with sufficient knowledge and skills to address complex ethical issues with more clarity and confidence".


Every day we face bioethical dilemmas. With your donation you will be supporting a student from developing countries to obtain the necessary training to become a transforming agent for their communities.


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More information:
MPSS Jimena Muñoz Merino
MPSS Ángela Pinilla
Facultad de Bioética