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Dr. Pável Reyes Mercado

Pável Reyes Mercado

Investigador Nacional Nivel 1. Sistema Nacional de Investigadores. CONACYT - Renovación, 2019.
Investigador Nacional Nivel 1. Sistema Nacional de Investigadores. CONACYT - Aceptación. 2016. 
Doctorado en Ciencias Administrativas, ITESM.
Maestría en Administración, ITESM.
Ingeniería en Electrónica, Instituto Tecnológico de Toluca.

Curriculum Vitae in English

- Profesionalmente se ha desempeñado como Analista de ingeniería en Coca-Cola Femsa, Gerente de Operaciones para Banca Adquiriente y Conexión empresarial en HSBC.

- Participa como consultor asociado de Strategy MEC y algunas agencias de investigación en el temas de georreferenciación y marketing analytics.

- Se ha distinguido internacionalmente con los reconocimientos: “Award for Young Research Scholars , Association of Private Enterprise Education” y  “Award for Doctoral Consortium , Association of Marketing Science”.

Imparte cursos de:
Mercadotecnia fundamental, Licenciatura en Mercadotecnia Análisis de precio y métricas en mercadotecnia, Licenciatura en Mercadotecnia.
Mercadotecnia para productos financieros, Maestría en Banca y Mercados Financieros Investigación de mercados, MBA

Sus principales temas de investigación:

- Adopción y difusión de innovaciones.
- El consumidor hiper conectado.
- Vulnerabilidad del consumidor.

Algunas de sus publicaciones:

Artículos de investigación seleccionados:
Borbolla Albores, A., & Reyes Mercado, P. (2022). Entrepreneurial failure and resilience: A continuous interplay between rigidity and flexibility. Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, 24 (1), 1-14, doi:–14.

Reyes-Mercado, P. & Larios-Hernández, G. (2021). Introducing the concept of wishful thinking in entrepreneurial marketing: a semantic analysis and research propositions. International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, 3 (14), 224-243, doi:

Mercado González, J., Reyes-Mercado, P., & Gutierrez-Marines, C. (2021). What you see is what you get: VR as a tool for travel experiences trials. International Journal of Technology Marketing, 15 (4), 333-353, doi: DOI:

Reyes Mercado, P., Karthik, . M., & Mishra, R. (2020). What's in a brand name? Preferences of mobile wallets in India under a shifting regulation. International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence, 6 (2), 118-134, doi:

Reyes Mercado, P. & Barjas-Portas, K. (2020). Analysis of the usage intensity of digital advertising platforms by SMEs using an integrated model. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 27 (4), 407-417, doi:

Larios Hernández, G., & Reyes Mercado, P. (2018). Market influencers for ICT advancement in small states – a comparative analysis. Information Technology for Development, 24 (3), 612-631, doi:

Reyes Mercado, P. (2018). Adoption of fitness wearables: Insights from Partial Least Squares and Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 20 (1)., Doi:

Reyes Mercado, P. & Rajagopal (2017). Adoption of renewable energy technologies in Mexico: The role of cognitive factors and innovation attributes. International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 11 (4), 626-649, doi:

Casos de estudio:
Reyes-Mercado, P. (2019). Banco Bankaool: Arquitectura de una marca financiera exclusivamente en línea. Emerging Markets Case Studies Collection, 9 (3)., doi:

Reyes-Mercado, P. (2014). Efficient lighting: reactivating the market through consumer stimulus. Emerging Markets Case Studies Collection, 4 (4), 1-13, doi:

Reyes-Mercado, P. (2012). Ren‐Er Co: how to be successful with marketing plan. Emerging Markets Case Studies Collection, 2 (8), 1-7, doi:

Presentaciones académicas seleccionadas:
Laurentiu Florea, D., Nieto, M., & Reyes Mercado, P. (2022, January). Unveiling professional service providers' willingness to educate: A configurational approach. Industrial Marketing Management Summit 2022, Temple University (summit conducted online), United States of America.

Reyes Mercado, P. (2019). From innovation systems to organizational innovation: a conceptual model from the supply and demand policy approach. In Germán Sánchez Daza, Juan Reyes Álvarez y Jaume Valls Pasola (Ed.) X Congreso Internacional de la Red de Investigación y Docencia en Innovación Tecnológica, Barcelona, Spain: Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 97.

Reyes Mercado, P. (2019). What we know and what we need to know on public procurement of Innovations: a research agenda. In Eddy Madiono Sutanto, Halimin Herjanto, Jashim Khan, Jati Kusuma Ali, Evan Lau, Annie Stephanie Banikema, John Francis Diaz (Ed.) 3rd International conference on management and entrepreneurship, Surabaya, Indonesia: Petra Christian University. Petra Press, 146-151.

Miller Suárez, G., & Reyes Mercado, P. (2018). Factores que influyen en el valor de marca en la banca comercial en méxico: Un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. XXIII Congreso Internacional de Contaduría, Administración e Informática, NA (NA), 1-23.

Reyes Mercado, P., & Dávila, D. (2018). A framework on the impact of protectionist discourse on cross-border consumption: Is Trump to be blamed? 2018 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress Portugal, NA (NA), 865-866.

Gutiérrez-Marines, C., Mercado-González, J., & Reyes Mercado, P. (2018). Real meanings of virtual experiences: A structured abstract of a ZMET study in young consumers. In Nina Krey and Patricia Rossi (Eds.) 2018 Academy of Marketing Science 46th Annual conference, NA (NA), Springer [B], 91-92.

Reyes Mercado, P. (2021). FinTech Strategy: Linking Entrepreneurship, Finance, and Technology. Cham: Palgrave.

Reyes Mercado, P., & Larios-Hernández, G. J. (Ed.). (2019). Reverse entrepreneurship in Latin America: Internationalization from emerging markets to developed economies. United States: Palgrave.

Reyes-Mercado, P. (2016). Eco-Innovations in Emerging Markets Analyzing Consumer Behaviour and Adaptability Palgrave Macmillan UK.

Capítulos de libros seleccionados:
Reyes Mercado, P. (2022). Disrupting Video Games: A Conceptual Framework for Managerial Skills Building. In Rajagopal and Ramesh Behl (Eds.), Managing Disruptions in Business Book Subtitle: Causes, Conflicts, and Control (pp. 15). Cham: Palgrave.

Verma, R., & Reyes Mercado, P. (2021). Happy Laundry services: What next?. In Rajagopal, Behl, Ramesh (Eds.) (Ed.), Entrepreneurship and regional development. Analyzing growth models in emerging markets (pp. 367-379). Cham: Palgrave.

Reyes Mercado, P. (2020). Engineering the roadmap of reverse innovation: Complexities in driving business processes from local to global destinations. In Information Resources Management Association (USA) (Ed.), Disruptive Technology: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 745-755). Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA: IGI Gobal.

Reyes Mercado, P., & Verma, R. (2020). Effectuation and causation approaches in entrepreneurial marketing: A set-theoretical model. In Rajagopal and Ramesh Behl (Eds.), Innovation, technology, and market ecosystems. Managing industrial growth in emerging markets (pp. 347-361). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave.

Fondos de investigación:
Influencia de la generación de demanda como motor de innovación, desarrollo de conocimiento científico y tecnológico, y emprendimiento, Responsable técnico. De 2018 a 2021. Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología. México.

Profesor visitante:
2018: Reyes Mercado, P., Visiting Professor – Chandragupta Institute of Management Patna, India.
2018: Reyes Mercado, P., Profesor visitante – Universidad de San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador.
2014: Reyes Mercado, P., Visiting Professor – Institute of Public Enterprise, India.

Miembro del consejo editoral de los journals:
- Perm University Herald. Economy. Perm University Press.
- Emerging Market Case Studies Collection. Emerald Publisher.
- International Journal of Business Competition and Growth. Inderscience Publisher.

Revisor en los journals:
Psychology and Marketing, Journal of Business Research. Technovation, SAGE Open, Financial Innovation, Qualitative Market Research, International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, International Journal of Business Excellence, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, International Journal of Business Competition and Growth, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research. Heliyon, International Journal of Energy Sector Management, International Journal of Sustainable Economy, entro otros.