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Call for Papers de la sección de AFIR-ERM


El Call for Papers es para otorgar un premio (por 5,000 CAD e invitación a presentarlo en el Coloquio 2021 en Estados Unidos) a un paper científico alrededor de los siguientes temas:


Actuarial data science in enterprise risk management:  Models and applications of techniques such as artificial intelligence or machine learning in risk management.

Cyber and technology risk:  Managing exposures, possibilities and pricing of new cyber risk insurance products.

Sustainability:  Approaches for sustainable value creation and finance.

Longevity risk:  Innovations to manage longevity risks.

Extreme events:  Monitoring, modeling, and mitigation to expand risk coverage.

Model governance:  Toolkit of actuarial models is extensive, but which models should be used in what way, e.g., for predictions and constructing risk-return profiles (with a focus, e.g., on the own risk and solvency assessment (ORSA) under Solvency II)

Asset-Liability Management 2.0:  Asset portfolio composition in relation with aggregate risk margins in a scientific and systematic way.

Innovative product design as an insurer's risk management action.




Submissions should be sent via e mail to the AFIR ERM Section of the IAA:



Fernanda Salas

Alexander Bohnert, Lider del programa

