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2024 Anahuac Business Summit: Business-academia collaboration for the benefit of Mexico

2024 Anahuac Business Summit: Business-academia collaboration for the benefit of Mexico

Cisco, KPMG, Barra Mexicana, Colegio de Abogados and Fundación Carlos Slim Helú were among the companies that participated in the seventh edition of this important event, chaired by José Antonio Abugaber Andonie, president of the Concamin, and Dr. Cipriano Sánchez García, L.C., rector of Anahuac Mexico University.

On February 15, 2024, Anahuac Mexico University hosted the 2024 Anahuac Business Summit, an event highlighting the importance of the collaboration between businesses and academia as the central axis for forming new generations and transforming the country.

The summit, which was attended by executives and collaborators of companies that are part of the Corporate, Research and Development Chairs programs, as well as presidents and members of chambers and business organizations that are part of the Anáhuac Business Collaboration Ecosystem, began with the participation of José Antonio Abugaber Andonie, president of the Confederation of Industrial Chambers of the United Mexican States (Concamin), who gave a presentation on "The Positive Impact of the Collaboration between Business and Universities for the Benefit of Mexico".

During his presentation, he emphasized that the collaboration between academia and industry is essential to take advantage of the large investments coming to Mexico through aspects such as nearshoring.

Afterward, recognition was given to the companies that stood out for their work with the University throughout 2023, following their active participation in the programs that are part of the Anahuac Business Collaboration Office:

  • In the Business-Academia Collaboration category, the CISCO Corporate Chair was recognized for its advisory role in the construction of the university's new networking labs, the CISCO Networking Academy courses in Mexico that teach engineering students about security and computer networking, and the Cisco Certified DevNet Professional certification. This program validates technical skills critical to a new breed of IT professionals, among other activities.

The recognition was received by Isidro Quintana, CEO of CISCO, who highlighted the collaboration between the university and the company, as well as its commitment to Mexico and society in the search for innovative solutions to current and future needs.

  • In the Collaboration Chair category, the Mexican Bar Association was recognized for its continuous work in academic improvement, professional education and training, the development of the science of law, academic, cultural, technological and service support, as well as the diffusion of knowledge.

The award was presented to Víctor Oléa Peláez, president of the Mexican Bar Association, who said that the University had contributed greatly to the collegiality of the law students in the association he heads.

  • In the Employability category, KPMG was recognized for its active participation in the Employability Department's initiatives to strengthen the development of the skills of young university students.

Arturo Graue, Director of Resources at KPMG de Mexico, received the award and emphasized that one of the company's great differentiators is the great effort as an association to instill values such as ethics and integrity among its employees.

  • In the Research Chair category, the Carlos Slim Foundation was recognized by the Research Chair for the Integral Development of the Indigenous Peoples of Mexico, which recognizes indigenous peoples as the soul and essence of Mexico, valuing their culture, identity and ancestral knowledge as an invaluable wealth for society as a whole.

Patrick Slim Domit, vice-president of Grupo Carso, benefactor of the Chair and distinguished graduate of Anahuac University, received the recognition and listed some of the results of this important research project.

The event closed with the words of the Rector, Dr. Cipriano Sánchez García, L.C., who thanked the companies and chambers of our country with whom the University collaborates year after year to benefit the generation of knowledge and solutions for the economic and social development of our beloved Mexico.

Similarly, he said that for Anahuac Mexico University, Business Collaboration is "a meeting between the productive sector and academia, where we all have something to contribute", noting that in 2023 alone, more than 600 activities were carried out as an educational institution hand in hand with the business sector.

For more information:
María Fernanda Diego González 
Institutional Development Department